Monday, January 12, 2009

Thinking About "Malena"

After our last trip and numerous lessons- walk, walk and more walk, I was told to start reading tango lyrics. Could this activity improve my dance? Yes. I think it does. How I'd love a better grasp of Spanish- the translation loses something.
Anyway so here's some of "Malena"
Malena canta el tango como ninguna Malena sings the tango like no one else
y en cada verso pone su corazon. and in every single verse she pours her heart.
A yuyo del suburbio su voz perfuma, Like a slum weed her voice excudes
Malena tiene pena de bandoneon Malena has the sadness of a bandoneon
Tal vez, alla en la infancia, su voz de alondra Perhaps, back in her childhood, her lark's voice
tomo ese tono oscuro del callejon, acquired that dark intonation of a back alley
o acaso aquel romance que solo nombra or maybe it is the romance she only names
cuando se pone triste con el alcohol when she gets sad with the alcohol
Malena canta el tango con voz de sombra Malena sings a tango with a somber voice
Malena tiene pena de bandoneon Malena has the sadness of a bandoneon

So if you want to hear this one. My favorite is Roxana Fontan singing it as if she were Malena.

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