Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rock Star Status -posted by Andi

Hola! Andi here checking in from Rosario, Argentina (Juan’s hometown! Well, city). Karen invited me to contribute to her blog awhile back, so I figured I’d put my author privileges to use. Because while Karen describes with poise the details of our weekend together in Buenos Aires, she does leave a few things out. Things you could only imagine unless you see Karen and Mike in action (I’m sure Donna and Arlene will agree).

Por ejemplo, Karen speaks castellano, the Argentine version of español. And as Andrew puts it, she’s incredibly brave, describing to people she just met in tango class how she broke her toe and explaining to the host at a restaurant why we were confirming a reservation for 4 when we showed up with 5. I don’t know how she does it, but she demonstrates a command of the language that allows her to do more than tango her way through the streets of Buenos Aires. I’m impressed.

Another cosa: Karen and Mike’s apartment on the busy street of Florida is absolutely gorgeous. The vista from their balcony of the city below and the river just within reach is breathtaking. And most importantly, the bedroom has one open wall that provides a home for Karen’s long—and still expanding—line of tango shoes. Her latest find: three shoes of the same silver material, one of a larger size to allow room for her injured toe to breathe. Que buena idea. Or so I think.

Lastly, and I don’t know how to put it, but Karen and Mike are celebrities here. Everywhere we went they ran into at least one person they knew. From the corner restaurant in San Telmo where the entire wait staff recognized them to the milonga at Ideal where one of the feature tangueros invited us to a tango variety show (we were even greeted by the show’s director and producer). And here such an encounter does not warrant a casual glance followed by a quick hello and handshake. It’s besos all around. For everyone, including the amigos from PA.

To put it in a few words, we had a blast. Thanks again Karen and Mike!

1 comment:

  1. Write again soon. This is just plain fun. I miss you!
