Sunday, August 16, 2009

Grand plan!

Filter all dancers into the local studios that want to promote tango. Give the beginners, experienced dancers and every other walking human a place to tango on Sundays 5:30-8:30 for no charge. (This may not work out for the months we are in Argentina.) Make it special each week with videos, good food and drink and a quiet lovely setting. Let the tango happen and wash over this little community. Be the driving, binding, force behind the dancing, but accommodate all ideas. Work HARD to coordinate dates, times and instruction. Just work HARD!
Give up, and this dissolves back to a strictly ballroom community. Oh yeah! Work on my own dancing -more grace, flow and resistance in each step. Maybe a few less pounds would help make all this happen?


  1. A laudible goal and you are succeeding tremendously. Your goal is my goal as I've been saying to Ann Francois the past two years as she has worked to bring tango to Stroudsburg. I don't have much money to contribute but I contribute what I can, mostly by working at being a good leader and coming to milongas and workshops. Tango is really taking hold in Northeastern PA from Bethlehem to Factoryville. Last year there was not nearly a quarter of this activity.

  2. And you can DANCE and think- a dangerous combination like the new boleo.
