Sunday, July 1, 2012


"When you dance tango you must give everything.
      If you can't do that, do not dance."
      -Ricardo Vidort

"El Tango te Espera."  
    -Anibal Troilo

Mike found the above quotes this week,  but the excerpt from Erich Fromm's book "The Sane Society" is what we talk about and think about in our lives.

    "Even if man has knowledge, even if he performs his work well, if he is decent, honest, and has no worries with regard to his material needs- he is not and cannot be satisfied.
     "He must act out with his body what he thinks out with his brain."
     "If man expresses his grasp of the world by his senses, he creates art and ritual, he creates song, dance, drama, painting, sculpture. I shall use "collective art" meaning the same as ritual; it means to respond to the world in a meaningful, skilled, productive, active, shared way.

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