Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Augusto shows gentle patience at every lesson. The mix of learners makes me wonder how he manages all the levels of dance, or a class with many many more men than women or at times the opposite. Today the couples were fairly evenly mixed, though a new older man was there for his first lesson and a very aggressive woman was there telling  the men how to lead.  What he always emphasizes for me is this:
     Every step is a tango. Come to your axis before the next step. Feel the music and the beat. "TAKE YOUR TIME MR. MIKE."
     Every step has a communication between the man and woman before the next step.  This can be a breath, a lift to signal time for an adorno, a deeper relax of the knee to signal a longer step, or more disassociation to start the woman moving before the step. I write all this down to remember the things to take back to PA for our weekly milongas and newly added practicas on Wednesdays. As always, hooked on the tango.

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