Thursday, March 27, 2014


Just when I think I can't absorb another tango ANYTHING, it got better.
Today we had a lesson with the master Rodolfo Dinzel. Our teacher at the Galerias, Amanda Gris, said we must persue a lesson with Sr. Dinzel to explore the possibilities of more communication between us.
OK. I sent an email- no response. I called and left a message- no response. Mike and I said let's just get on a bus and go his studio (Jufre 160) to see if we can get a lesson.  He was there in a more than interesting studio. It was a new approach to the dance. We stepped out for empanadas and returned in an hour for our lesson. First he wanted our attitudes changed- more attitude.
After another dance he wanted longer and slower walking.
Next he gave us exercises to practice before our lesson next week.
I hold Mike's shoulders and lead the back ochos for myself.
One hand (right or left) goes to Mike's or my chest and we move with eyes closed to the music. Next both hands, palm touching lead the dance in a circular or back and forth movement to the music.
We need to do these exercises 5 minutes every day to start to feel the circular communication of the dance. LOVED this lesson.

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