Saturday, April 12, 2014

DRAFT of another Poem

What Comes Down OUR Calle Florida
Yeah, Yeah all the tour books say a million pedestrians stroll these 16 blocks every day.
Beware the ladrones!
Shoppers, vendors, tourists all purposefully moving along at different  paces.
Moving past our building where our tiny apartment gives me a glimpse of the street, a glimpse when I hang off the narrow balcony and stretch a long neck to the left. 
If  the wind blows from the east, luring words drift upward, "cambio, cambio, cambio" or "tango show, lady" or "leather factory, lady" as they echo through soft street music.

But other happenings along Calle Florida stun me into silence.
There was butterfly week. Up they came from south to north,
Tiny orange flutterers tinted with yellow, day after day
Zooming up past the 11
th floor and out of sight
On a mission to somewhere, I think.
More butterflies than the determined window shoppers. Why don’t you look up at these fragile beauties, I wonder    
And the clouds.
The puffy ones float by from west to east
White figures against deep blue where I search for tango dancers or other kinds of mating rituals    
Oops, there goes a spouting whale- moving backwards next to a toadstool forest
My bed in the window where the street sounds are muted from Cordoba is a candy store.

The southern cross stares down at me from this window bed, but I doubt if the pedestrians along the street below look above to find its silent beauty
How can life become that busy?
Karen Lucey    April 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

KHALIL GIBRAN- posted by Amanda Gris

Cierta vez una bailarina con sus músicos había arribado a la corte del Príncipe de Birkasha. Y, admitida en la corte, bailó ante el príncipe al son del laúd, de la flauta, de las tablas y tambores, y de la cítara.
Bailó la danza de las estrellas y la danza del espacio, y por último la danza de las flores al viento. Luego se detuvo ante el Príncipe e inclinándose, le hizo una reverencia.
El príncipe emocionado le pidió se acercara y le dijo:
" Bella mujer, hija de la gracia... y del encanto, de donde viene tu arte? Como dominas tú la tierra y el aire en tus pasos y el agua y el fuego con tu ritmo y tu cadencia?"
La bailarina se inclinó de nuevo ante el Príncipe y le contestó:
"Su alteza, no estoy segura como responder su pregunta, pero sí sé que el alma del filósofo vive en su cabeza,
el alma del poeta en su corazón, que el alma del cantor vibra en su garganta.

Pero que en cambio, el alma de la bailarina, vive en todo su cuerpo"
Khalil Gibran

Once, a dancer with her ​​musicians had arrived at the court of the Prince of Birkasha. And, she, admitted in court, before the prince, danced to the sound of the lute, flute, drums and tables, and zither.
  She danced the dance of stars and the dance of space, and finally the dance of flowers in the wind. Then she stopped and bowed to the Prince- he bowed.
  The prince asked her to approach excited and said:
  "Beautiful woman, daughter of grace and delight, whence comes your art? Like you dominate the earth and the air in your footsteps and water and fire with your rhythm and cadence?"
  The dancer bowed again before the Prince and replied:
  "Your Highness, I am not sure how to answer your question, but I do know that the soul of the philosopher lives in his head,
  the poet's soul in his heart, the soul of the singer vibrates in his throat.

 But instead, the soul of the dancer, lives in his whole body "
  Khalil Gibran

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dinzel- Lesson 2- Not an April Fool's Gag

Rodolfo Dinzel. I like the way the name sounds so I write both first and last names. We were there, Villa Crespo, at 10:00 for our second lesson. First a five minute warm up and then the master, who sits in the corner, and his followers, who sit around the room on the floor, watch us dance. Next comes the discussion, Spanish to English with an interpreter at his side, His "baby?". El maestro says to write on paper, I think this typing will satisfy him, all that he has mentioned and study it all for our next lesson on Tuesday.
For Mike:
Repeat all the exercises from week 1. Also keep the steps long and slow.
Use the back muscles more for the pivots and the torso for the back ochos. A wider base keeps you more stable.
Keep the left arm forward of the torso.
Use a step into and between the woman. This is the tango.
Use the chest as the eyes. Pretend it's a spotlight looking into my face.
For me:
Work on my right arm. Don't let it collapse
Dance more around Mike
Keep the same distance between us. Chest to chest.
At times step between his legs.
Be happy. Enjoy the dance.
Come back on October 7th to celebrate his birthday. MAYBE?