Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dinzel- Lesson 2- Not an April Fool's Gag

Rodolfo Dinzel. I like the way the name sounds so I write both first and last names. We were there, Villa Crespo, at 10:00 for our second lesson. First a five minute warm up and then the master, who sits in the corner, and his followers, who sit around the room on the floor, watch us dance. Next comes the discussion, Spanish to English with an interpreter at his side, His "baby?". El maestro says to write on paper, I think this typing will satisfy him, all that he has mentioned and study it all for our next lesson on Tuesday.
For Mike:
Repeat all the exercises from week 1. Also keep the steps long and slow.
Use the back muscles more for the pivots and the torso for the back ochos. A wider base keeps you more stable.
Keep the left arm forward of the torso.
Use a step into and between the woman. This is the tango.
Use the chest as the eyes. Pretend it's a spotlight looking into my face.
For me:
Work on my right arm. Don't let it collapse
Dance more around Mike
Keep the same distance between us. Chest to chest.
At times step between his legs.
Be happy. Enjoy the dance.
Come back on October 7th to celebrate his birthday. MAYBE?

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