Sunday, March 29, 2009

Joaquin Canay and Technique

4 hours of tango today in Pittston and still learning so much. Our private lesson was at 11:00. Mike worked on more pause and a lingering leg. The dance felt good. I worked on collecting my thighs- not so easy- making my leg an extension into my torso and my vexing problem of never completely relaxing. The dance consumed me. 1:00 we had the first group lesson- 7 couples back to basics. Joaquin and our dear friend, and instructor, Katerini showed the men easy ways to start and finish ochos. Ochos and walking. Ochos and walking some more. I never get tired of the security blanket of the beginning lesson. All the walking settles over me and I BECOME the dance. 2:30- 4:00 we worked on boleos. Boleos look like hell if the foot and leg are wrong. I am timid about boleos. Every woman should have a movie of her boleos. My God they are ugly if the foot turns in or the free leg is askew. Marissa Quiroga- no relation to Guillermina- spent hours with my leg and foot in the boleo and I still refuse to take it off the floor for a higher kick. One look in the mirror and the leg stays as low as it can go. Mike likes the lateral boleo we learned from Johana Copes and he surprised me with a few of those during our last tangos. So now we're ready for BsAs again and tomorrow the packing begins in earnest. "Foot on the floor" boleos are on my "to do" list for April. Nobody has to worry about a kick in the leg from this woman dancer.

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