Friday, March 13, 2009

Making Videos

Since we'll be closing our space in Clarks Summit in 16 days- only 2 more Sunday milongas, Mike and I decided to set up our video camera and take a good look at what we've learned before our April trip to BA. My dancing looks stiff. The long leg that reaches back isn't so long after all. Why do I think I look like Silvina Valz?
Balance and footwork seem fair, but the dynamics aren't there. Cecilia Gonzalez and my other wonderful instructors gave me a list of 7 ways to improve my dance. If I'm in a practice mode and not lost in the dance ( which is rare)I pick just one to work on. Yesterday it was a deeper knee bend on my standing leg and a push with the toes to propel back. Certainly looks different on the video than it feels. My best guess is that I need to relax more and let the dance happen. HAH!
Mike had a wonderful hint from Vince- to stop thinking about walking and think about where he wants to go- where he wants to take me. This made a huge change in his lead. He feels like Chiche- just taking me along for the ride. Most of our dance is just walking and thinking about Miguel Zotto's emphasis on embrace. Figures we save for another day.

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