Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Last Night in Clarks Summit

It doesn't get any better than this night. Tina, who is a natural, came first. This gave us about 30 minutes to walk, do torso and balance work. She just soaks it all up and transfers all the learning directly to movement. I tell her something simple- something like, "Watch that your foot doesn't turn in when you step and for the rest of the night she turns her feet out. This puzzles me. How does she do that? I can't wait until this summer when we open our tent and we can practice all we know. I love and respect her ability to learn. Matt came next. A total of 7 couples on the floor at one time. Right before Cathy left I made a video of her tango with Mike. This man is amazing.
He's right up there with the best. A little like Carlito Perez and Gustavo ZAid. My milonguero after only 3 years of hard and dedicated work.
At 8:30 we played "A Juan Carlos Copes", my favorite milonga because it's short and jaunty and Mike can make it through the entire 83 seconds. Matt, Matt, Suz and Tina helped us pack up the tables and chairs. With a little help coming our way we can dismantle the dance floor and put it away in the morning. One more private lesson with Vince on Thursday. One more tango workshop on Saturday with Joaquin Canay and we're ready for tango in the deep deep south. That 11 hour plane ride just doesn't see so long when the real dance awaits.

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