Friday, December 2, 2011


Our ankles are sore from all the pivoting with Eliana Sanchez- starting with 1/4 pivots, then 180's and finally 270's- usually mine is a 260. We do this over and over for balance, control and centering our bodies.
Back to the sore ankles. Still in search of a folding table there isn't one to be had in the local stores. Everyone says to head to Avenida Belgrano, where we bought our 2 chair and little tables last year. Mike is tired. I am tired. Our friend is coming form PA and we need to sit 3 at a table. My idea is to look at the local Ebay - Mercado Libre and have a table delivered. The search turns up a table that LOOKS just right. It's pine, it's a little big, but I think we can squeeze it in the living room. Many emails and phone calls later we have a delivery date set. This is all done by phone and email.
 Mike says, "I think you should SEE it before you buy it."
 Me, as always a little stubborn and thinking of our tired legs, says, " I think it will work out just fine." Long story short. The doorbell rings and in comes this HEAVY HEAVY table that's too big and very hard to open and close. Thank God it folds up and fits behind our couch. If someone reads it and wants a table. It's yours! bring a truck.

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