Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Mike maybe  thinks he is still in the Melrose Games at Madison Square Garden. I often wear his silver medal close to my heart and think about that time over 60 years ago when he won that stunning piece of silver. But this dance is not a race. When Alberto Paz said, "Go, Mike go!" I first thought he was being kind, but NO he's watching a dance that looks like a marathon. Now we are learning to slow it down and keep it in a small space.
Back to basics we go again.
1. S-l-o-w it down. Lento. Take 2 beats or more for each step.
2. Every step is a tango, Pause momentarily, breathe, settle into the standing leg. wait for me to collect and then mark the next step before you go forward or wherever. Know where I am and then when my feet are collected  I'm ready for the next step.
3. Keep the back straight. Remember the exercise on the wall.
4. Be more decisive with the lead.

The cunitas- step to my center and lead me back to your center. Turning them looks great, but not more than 3.
Gustavo wants Mike to practice a traspie after the side step- before the next forward step.

What is different about our tango?. Something inside keeps moving at all times. My focus is on my standing leg. Our embrace is more comfortable. Our weight is grounded. Mostly I'm lost in the music and pushing into the step.
Now I am not TRYING to tango. But I know I'd never win a silver medal or any medal for my so called Argentine Tango.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm heading in this direction, too. I can slow it down if I'm with the right tanguera. You're an inspiration for the belief that there is tango after marriage.LOL!
