Saturday, January 5, 2013

AUGUSTO asks????

Augusto Balizano speaks English. We are able to understand much more when he finally gets to the fine points in English of his lessons.  Last week at the end of the lesson ( 1 1/2 hours) at the Galerias Pacifico- Escuela Argentine de Tango- he asked his usual. " Are there any questions?"  He next asked for specific questions or complaints about the embrace. Every decent lesson starts with a review of the embrace and the posture, before we start the next part of the lesson- walking, balance and pivoting exercises to music. Since we were dancing with 6 couples who love the tango the same way we love the tango everyone listened and added something to think about.
The men:
They do NOT like the women's arms wrapped around their necks.
They do NOT like the women's arms over their shoulders with the hand pointed down-    fingers looking  like a bunch of bananas.
           I think Alberto Paz calls any form of this one the "kidney grabber".

The women:
They  do NOT like the men pulling them in.
They do NOT like the men's right hands limp on their backs.
They do NOT like their right arms raised above their shoulders. This one      
    throws women off the axis.
They do NOT like the men's heads pressing on their heads.
           What to do?  Embrace like a warm hug and dance the dance.

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