Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Our one touristy adventure this trip ended with a really scary, honest-to-goodness TRIP. Today when I looked down there was Mike, sprawled on the floor of the gorgeous Teatro Colon. He was shaken, but I was shaking. When Mike falls he rolls into a ball on his side- says he learned this when he played football and when he was in the Navy practicing parachute jumps from a tower. There he was at the bottom of the stairs- missed the last step- thank God only one step, and landed on the inlaid marble floor. The guard, the guide and the other tourists gathered around with great concern. There was no injury, but my stomach did twists and jumps. Had to sit around for about 15 minutes to make sure all was well. Mostly with me I think. As usual, I ended up crying, but this time over "spilled Mike".
Our trip is winding down- OH NO!- We have shed all the bad habits  learned in our first year of tango in the states. On New Year's Day we literally ran up Tucaman to catch the 23 bus and  head out to a NO TOURIST milonga- Nuevochique on San Jose. The dance room was packed- women lining one side, men lining the other side, all jammed in double deep with couples packed into tables at the ends.  Our early arrival secured us one of the last good tables. We danced and danced- corazon a corazon to the mournful music. The women dancing with feet on the floor and the men navigating around tight little spaces. Mike was an Argentine- January 1st, 2013.  We have been waiting  7 years to tango like  portenos in a crowded milonga. Nothing mattered but the music and the connection.  Another amazing day here in Buenos Aires where I will always have an enormous part of my heart.
 As usual, these posts tie into tango. When we practiced "the borrachito" with Augusto on Friday he said you need to practice in both directions. Message to Mike:
 BUT Mike, not on the steps of the Teatro Colon.

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