Friday, May 28, 2010


I am studying lyrics from the songs that break my heart.
This week:
If I had the heart...
The heart I gave away...
If I could, like yesterday
to love without a premonition
It's possible that your eyes
that cry out to me their love,
I'd close them with my kisses...
Without thinking that like these,
they were other wicked eyes
that ruined my existence...

Nothing, nothing is left in the house where
you were born
Only spider webs that the weeds weave
The rosebush does not exist either
and for sure it has died when you left...

Nido Gaucho
I have my little ranch on the hillock,
where the thrush sing...
and rose bushes
have sprout
for you...
Because one day this gaucho nest will be
yours and mine

La Morocha
" I am the Argentine brunette,
the one who does not feel regrets,
and spends life happy
with her singing
I am the gentle partner
of the noble porteno gaucho,
the one who saves her affection
for her owner."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Absorbed with MAGNANI

Magnani is an artist. He painted murals in the Mansion Dandi Royal in San Telmo and he carved entire walls in the lower studio. His imagination grabbed my heart in 2006, but we would only come home with some paintings and why did I ever think, "Mike, Let's invite him to our apartment and see if we can afford a mural. But we did and he did. 8 days of laughter, tango and watching the progress. 10 tango figures with the "prostituta" in orange looking longingly for the tango. Each face shows a diferent emotion. The day we left- May 1st, when the shutters closed the light out of our apartment- I felt like I had left my family behind. We named them as he painted. Cecilia, Silvina and on and on.
The apartment is now a home to us. All the touches and lots of light with the wonderful city views from the 10th floor make it our special "santuarium."
Magnani introduced us, without English to Podesta, Lydia Borda and his friend Ernesto who promised to dance with me in the fall.