Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Post

Tango is tangled in my head. I need to post more to sort out what I need to know.
This month Mike and I have heard, "SLOW it down, keep the embrace and the connection at almost every lesson."
To A:  Keep your shoulders level- the right shoulder is YOURS. Keep B in front of you at all times.
To C:  Get that left arm out and in front. Don't change the embrace or use the arm to turn. Turn from the back.
To D:  Watch movies of yourself dancing the tango. Caress the floor. Dance into the floor and stop leading.
To E: Stop the "show tango" and dance more forward, side and back without the hip sway.
To F: Slow it down, feel the music and wait for the man to change your weight.
To G  : Give the woman the time to get on her axis and then take the next step.
To H  : Keep the chest tilted up and always lead with the chest ( the indication) before you invite the woman to step.
             To all:  EVERY Step is a TANGO. FEEL the music first, and dance the SILENCE with a breath or a slight motion of the torso.
                Now if only I could LEARN some of this great advice.