Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Mike maybe  thinks he is still in the Melrose Games at Madison Square Garden. I often wear his silver medal close to my heart and think about that time over 60 years ago when he won that stunning piece of silver. But this dance is not a race. When Alberto Paz said, "Go, Mike go!" I first thought he was being kind, but NO he's watching a dance that looks like a marathon. Now we are learning to slow it down and keep it in a small space.
Back to basics we go again.
1. S-l-o-w it down. Lento. Take 2 beats or more for each step.
2. Every step is a tango, Pause momentarily, breathe, settle into the standing leg. wait for me to collect and then mark the next step before you go forward or wherever. Know where I am and then when my feet are collected  I'm ready for the next step.
3. Keep the back straight. Remember the exercise on the wall.
4. Be more decisive with the lead.

The cunitas- step to my center and lead me back to your center. Turning them looks great, but not more than 3.
Gustavo wants Mike to practice a traspie after the side step- before the next forward step.

What is different about our tango?. Something inside keeps moving at all times. My focus is on my standing leg. Our embrace is more comfortable. Our weight is grounded. Mostly I'm lost in the music and pushing into the step.
Now I am not TRYING to tango. But I know I'd never win a silver medal or any medal for my so called Argentine Tango.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Augusto Whispers Again- but not to ME.

A tall, quite striking man showed up on Friday in our afternoon class at the Galerias. He is elegant and walks to the beat. He shows off his long lanky legs and quick pivots. His sense of musicality makes me stare. I stepped away from Mike for a moment to watch. He holds the step until the last moment- waiting, waiting and moves slowly or rapidly to the music. I am engrossed and watching from his waist down to the floor when I hear the whisper of Augusto, "But it's not the tango."   "What?", I think. Sr. Lanky Legs is missing the essence of the dance. He's missing the marca and subtle lead with his chest and back- the push into the step from his center isn't there. This is a lesson to me to watch the upper body and the torso. Augusto says the closer the embrace the more torsion is needed from the chest- interesting.  Now to try to make it all happen without a thought.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Augusto Whispers

We slip into as many lessons with Augusto Balizano as we can. He has such a variety of classes- levels of dancers,  sometimes mostly men, sometimes mostly women and tonight we were blessed with a lesson for only 3.
When I dance with Augusto I get a whisper 1/2 way through each dance.

The First Week: Think only of my supporting leg only and wait.
Last Week:         Think of my back as if I'm reclining in a chair- open my chest but also open my back  and settle into the chair. Mike is "holding the baby". While all this occurs keep the hip back and in. OH GOD!
Tonight:              Resist the step, allow the free leg to feel like it belongs to a rag doll - now, wait until the last moment of the lead and music to move.

His patience shows in his eyes. How lucky we were to have our friend from PA join in a lesson with us this week.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Our ankles are sore from all the pivoting with Eliana Sanchez- starting with 1/4 pivots, then 180's and finally 270's- usually mine is a 260. We do this over and over for balance, control and centering our bodies.
Back to the sore ankles. Still in search of a folding table there isn't one to be had in the local stores. Everyone says to head to Avenida Belgrano, where we bought our 2 chair and little tables last year. Mike is tired. I am tired. Our friend is coming form PA and we need to sit 3 at a table. My idea is to look at the local Ebay - Mercado Libre and have a table delivered. The search turns up a table that LOOKS just right. It's pine, it's a little big, but I think we can squeeze it in the living room. Many emails and phone calls later we have a delivery date set. This is all done by phone and email.
 Mike says, "I think you should SEE it before you buy it."
 Me, as always a little stubborn and thinking of our tired legs, says, " I think it will work out just fine." Long story short. The doorbell rings and in comes this HEAVY HEAVY table that's too big and very hard to open and close. Thank God it folds up and fits behind our couch. If someone reads it and wants a table. It's yours! bring a truck.