Friday, November 16, 2012

ARRIVAL in Buenos Aires

We like to use VIP Car for their excellent service from EZE to our corner in downtown- the exciting corner of Paraguay y Calle Florida. The drivers are always young men, clean cut in white shirts and black pants, always courteous. The drivers speak very little English, so I usually get a chance to practice my limited Spanish. How is the weather? etc.
Today Mike sat in front to stretch his legs after the 12 hour flight. ( the new knees were not the problem I thought!) Today the driver had very acceptable English. He hadn't been to the States, but spoke rapidly and used tenses much better than I will ever use the impossibe Spanish ones. Mike tried to speak to him in Spanish- he didn't understand a word and it became funnier and funnier as the 45 minutes zipped by. Finally I opened my big mouth and yelled from the back seat, "He speaks English!" Duh!
 God, are we tired and punchy, but so happy to be in the balmy sunny days of Argentina.
And for Mike....I am so delighted to be in BA again. Peace has come over me like a blanket. Estoy tan encantado de estar en Buenos Aires otra vez. La paz se ha apoderado de como una manta.