Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Quote from Debbie Novitz from her blog.

In his interview in the magazine La Milonga Claudio Segovia the man who made Tango Argentino reality says "Tango can be done with a 1000 figures, but the pure beauty, is tango danced smoothly without any figures.  It cannot be compared to anything."  This is the thing that most foreigners and many new dancers do not understand.  They think that show tango is tango.

I am packing this away in my thoughts while we are packing our bags for a little "not-show-tango" in BsAS next week. Again we said," Only Carry-on bags this time"  Again we have a mound as big as Moby Dick- a bean pot, 8 jars of peanut butter, silk plants, etc. etc., to haul 5000 miles and put in a space the size of a dolphin.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Back to Gavito

The secret of tango is in this moment of improvisation that happens between step and step. It is to make the impossible thing possible: to dance silence.

Mike is dancing the "silence". He takes his favorite Gavito steps and repeats each sequence 3 times. Not something for the dance floor or milonga, but an exercise for us in pausing, balance and keeping the axis until he is ready to move again. I love the 3 videos, the names of the moves and  I watch my favorites over and over. This month we practice Gavito before we pack for another 6 weeks on Calle Florida where the real tango awaits.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

First Friday at Farley's in Scranton

This was fun. Mr Young- new knees and all- tried the tango. Made my night.
The Saturday Scranton Time gave us a little publicity. Farley's!!!!!!
Saturday we sat down to watch The Ultimate Bandoneon. One sentence sticks in my mind.
"Every step is a tango"